Thursday, April 15, 2010


I'm excited about where my work is going these days. This is a large new drawing called Trade. It's on my website here.

Here are some details. The color in these images is pretty dramatically off, but it's the best I can get right now. The morning glories, below, are actually purple, and the pinks in the clouds on the right are far less salmony in person.

The main text says "Will Not (maybe, possibly, hopefully) Trade...


For (a secretive and obnoxious system of) Taxonomy."

On the bottom banner it says "Our (Eyes) Loves..."

Do Not Betray Us."

The text in this bubble says "The power of that first sunset or flower may fade, but must we throw the ocean out with the bathwater? We seek blossoms as a pure ide(ot)ation of pink, frightened of pollen and obsessed by bees..."

The planet in the top right says "A Vast and Paranoid Universe of Theories about Art", and the lower one says "Prestige Eats Independent Thought For Dinner."